Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

my proposal

In new era or modern era that sophisticated, there are many problem which happens, especially in educational. Mark sense new curriculum implements because was maximal previous curriculums. English language constitutes studied monolingual false at although Indonesia just constitute language both of them. But, available a lot of faced problem students in study that intern language, particularly so much problem is found namely effect of that student saturation their selves  because it can say that thing constitutes a part the most problem subject be spoken by instructors. Student have a high level of saturation because of long time style that do ever to applies at school that makes students boring to learn English language, an example just reads text too long and also short make student has no spirit to learn the language.
Student really want a novelty besides in epoch that progressively sophisticated, it needed by learning style a new one, and does not pall on one makes saturated student, even less in study more and more vocabulary and grasp problem in listening, they look at this not first language or language even our both of them,  one thrust to hear a variety difficult word type  although it being taught by elementary school, but if education ladder excelsior therefore more and more vocabulary which will be studied. That is a problem which makes they getting boring since may not if can remember a lot of vocabulary. Role learns as instructor namely help student in settle problem that student faces, to it arises to program or style even new learning that really enables students leisured or enjoy and even is nuts over that study because this learning style besides can add knowledge, it also help student for turns in their imagination. 
In an earlier journal, Groger (2001) proposed movie can function to bring the outside world, particularly the target culture into the classroom, and also movie can provide unlimited opportunities for communicative language learning. In the other hand, the thought movies without subtitle can be very frightening for student. Groger analyzed about the purpose is applied popular culture (movie) to student, and it indispensable to increase their vocabulary even coach their hearing as non native listener.
Related with research upon, there is other researchers found that movie can help student to get at the root of problem,(Stewart, 2006) proposed film English bring the students’ to their imagination, and also it more easy than to read a long text which make students’ boring in classroom and automatically it make saturation of situation. Stewart (2006) analyze films create an enthusiasm for learning matched only by the Internet, which as I said can easily be integrated with film based assignments.
At other side, there are two supportive researchers about English language teaching via popular culture, but in such event its observational in contrast to previous researcher namely utilizes song or music. Such as who triggered by (Millington 2011) that songs can help young learners improve their listening skills and pronunciation, therefore potentially helping them to improve their speaking skills. According to Pursell as citied in Millington’s Journal (2011) states that students can become bored by repeatedly listening to a narration or dialog as they attempt to understand the meaning of new words or phrases in context. In contrast, listening to a song over and over again can seem less monotonous because of the rhythm and melody.
In the other hand there are three researches that supportive a style by using song, and found that music and language sit comfortably together, Komur, Sarac and Secer, (2005) purposed music have special utility with language because they can work together in human’s brain.  According to Krashen as citied in Komur, Sarac and Secer’s Journal (2005) argue that affective filter hypothesis; learners raise this imaginary protective filter when they are stressed, frustrated, embarrassed, anxious or bored. Music can develop human senses with retrieving knowledge and reducing stress. Hence motivation and interest in language can be increased. 
There are advantage of this research that is taken by Groger, through his research many students’ will enjoy and of course happy to learn about it because film has one function to bring them outside world, but in fact Groger not mention that what film that make the students’ happy because the purpose of using movie in order they cannot boring in classroom, in other hand there is Komur, Sarac and Secer (2005) is not found the way for teaching through music that easy because they are more interest to using music with specific models like affective filter.
Based on research upon, usage movie and music to improve student’s ability especially in vocabulary and listening, but even though usage the movie and music is not easy to use, it can effectively in Elementary and Junior high school because it needs other ability and it is memorize. This research focuses in Senior high school because they have a high memorize to remember many vocabularies. In other hand, it also useful for teacher in school to show a new models of teaching English, and it can be useful in order students’ cannot boring.
The purpose of this research is to help students’ problem that occur when they are in classroom. The problem’s means their boredoms or saturation of students’ when they learn about English language itself because students’ have a high saturation when they learn a similar style.

Research question
1.   Can using popular culture especially movies and music to improve student’s ability in vocabulary and listening?

1.   The usage of popular culture especially movies and music can improve student’s ability in vocabulary and listening.
Research objective
1.      To know if movies' using up and music gets to be performed by maximal in learning.
2.      To know if using movies and music gets improve student’s vocabulary and listening.
3.      To know if using movie and music have negative impact.
4.      To know implication of literacy to teach English
Significance of study
This research is conducted in order the research will give some advantage that through movies and music. First, through movie can improve student’s ability in vocabulary. Students like movie even though that have subtitle or not because usage movie they can know many vocabulary that they want. Second, through music can help them for listening. Students love music and it has function to bring them to their imagination, and of course bring them to outside of world. Movie and music really gets essential role in learn English language.

The writer has delimitation of this research. First, the research focuses to improve student’s ability in vocabulary and listening by using movie and song. Second, this research will be used or the population of this research is taken In SMA. N. 1 Model Kabila, and especially second graduate. It means that in this research will be designed in delimitation of eleventh class especially in class science, and it will occur in two class includes controller group and experiment group.

Literature review
This chapter will be discussed about the useful of using movies and music in students’ ability focuses Vocabulary and listening. In this research also discussed about negative impact by using popular culture. But the other side discussed about implementation of music, and implication for literacy to teach English language.
·         . the useful of using movies in students’ ability focuses Vocabulary
       Film that useful and interesting to teach English for student, this expression conducted Stewart ( 2006) examined film English that useful to teach English, and also Stewart found, there are some problem that occur when students’ endeavor to learn English such as poor comprehension, limited vocabulary, slow reading, bad grammar, nonexistent conventional skills to name the most obvious. Film also can create an enthusiasm for learning matched only by internet, and of course can easily be integrated with film by assignment. Through film can improve student’s ability in vocabulary.
In the other hand, Groger (2001) argue that movie is more effectively if teach specific ability and it is vocabulary because when students’ not understand yet about the subtitle of movie, so they will search the vocabulary that never learn. Groger also argue that movie is a motivation for students’ to learn English language even though English is foreign language to us, but the students’ will be think that they must to learn it to increase their knowledge about the international language itself.
Related with research upon there are other researches that examined popular culture to teach English, but it is different ways and it is music Millington (2011) proposed that song or music English to teaching English for young learner. Millington found that song as pedagogical tools, where it is flexibility utilized to teach English for initiates and using song help students’ to increase their vocabulary and listening and main the most gets to make multitude class in consequence is incorrect one thing most importantly teach English language. 

There are some researches supportive the statement Komur, Sarac and Seker (2005) proposed that although language course books offer a variety of language activities many of them do not appeal to the needs and interests of children. To what extent is teaching English through songs needed?  They are found many things when they use music to teach English. 49 % of the students in the sampling group stated that they never or almost never learn English through songs. On the other hand 56 % of the teachers pointed out that they never or almost never used songs in their teaching English through songs was not sufficiently referred to in primary schools of Muğla.80 % of the students stated their willingness to learn English through songs with answers of “mostly” and “completely” to the question “to what extent do you want to learn English through songs”. The percentage for teachers is 55 %. Both teachers and students share the idea that current materials used in classroom place less emphasis on the songs in English classes. Only 12% of the teachers said that the materials they are using have a place for songs in English. At the same time 70 % of the teachers and students pointed out that songs in English could be useful in teaching vocabulary correctly teaching practices. It is their research when they are test to use song or music and it done, so they are thinking that song is one way in popular culture that interest, and of course many students’ like it.

·         Negative impact of using popular culture
      In the other sides, even though using popular culture is effectively in learning English language, but it also has a negative impact, Learning and Teaching Resources for Learning English through Popular Culture (2007) states that Teachers might like to select items from the list above which they deem appropriate for their students, considering their interests and abilities. It also disturb students’ concentration to other study, and to learn by using popular culture must have a high level in vocabulary itself and how to teach by using popular culture in village. They cannot understand if the popular culture means is not occur for student in village.

·         Implementation of music
       Music is not only teach of easy way, but it have a roles like Millington (2011) found that the three stages of a song as a task, and they are preparation, core activity and follow up. Millington states that the core activity is central to the language learning task and without the core, the task would collapse. The preparation activities should help to prepare the students to complete the core activity successfully. This might include pre-teaching of language items or activating topic vocabulary. The follow-up stage then should build on the completion of the core activity. He break preparation, core activity and also follow-up; there are

1. Preparation
           Given the goal of the task is singing the song in the core activity stage; it is useful to activate the vocabulary and to form basic sentence structures in the preparation stage. This could be done using a number of methods, depending on the resources available to the teacher or the size of class. One way of activating vocabulary might be to use a picture of a bus to elicit vocabulary and form basic sentence patterns. It means that teacher is similar with make a planning before teaching English for students. Of course this is only one option; the teacher may not have access to images to match the song and might want to ask the students to draw a picture. The pictures could be used to elicit vocabulary and practice the sentence structures used in the song. Regardless of how the teacher chooses to activate vocabulary and form sentence structures, the aim is that, at the end of the preparation stage, the students are ready to sing the song in the core stage.
2 Core stage
          To involve the students and maximize interest, it would be advantageous to sing the song several times in the core, each time varying the pace or volume and having the students perform actions and sing along chorally. It means that teacher will begin the study, and of course students’ will play role in the classroom. Play role means that they must follow instruct of their teacher.
3 Follow-up
          The follow-up stage should attempt to build on the successful completion of the core stage. In other words, the students have sung the song and now should be encouraged to use the vocabulary or sentence structures from the song. Again, this depends on the circumstances of the teacher. The follow-up stage could be used to develop written production, either through writing sentences or gap-fill activities, or oral production where the vocabulary learned is used in a situational role-play.

·         Implication for literacy to teach English language
      Popular culture have benefit, negative and etc, so many things that we found in there but in this case will be argue about implication for literacy Morrell (2002) states that that the teaching of popular culture can help English teachers to help diverse groups of students acquire and develop the academic and criticalliteracies needed to succeed in new century schools. It means that there are diverse students’ that will learn English, and of course it is one problem for teacher because they cannot to determine a high or low level that face to face to them. But, Morrell also found the solution and it is analysis focuses on two classroom units that incorporated popular film into the traditional curriculum to make meaningful connections with canonical texts and to promote the development of academic and criticalliteracies. The first unit began with The Godfather Trilogy and incorporated Homer's The Odyssey. Another unit joined Richard Wright's Native Son with the film A Time to Kill. It is his solution to know a level of his students’.

Method and approach
Quantitative method
This research will be designed by using quantitative method. According to Rose, D. & Sullivan, O.(1992). The information about a social phenomenon is expressed in numeric terms that can be analyses by statistical methods. The observations can be directly numeric information or can be classified into numeric variables. Quantitative method well matched with this research because it need indirectly evidence to know how much result that will get when doing observation, and also to get the information about the research that included numeric because it different with qualitative that more focus in natural situation.
According to Mottola (2009) Experimental design is a planned interference in the natural order of events by the researcher. He does something more than carefully observe what is occurring. This emphasis on experiment reflects the higher regard generally given to information so derived, and there is good rationale for this. Much of the substantial gain in knowledge in all sciences has come from actively manipulating or interfering with the stream of events. There is more than just observation or measurement of a natural event. A selected condition or a change (treatment) is introduced. Observation or measurement are planned to illuminate the selected condition or a change (treatment) is introduced. Observations or measurements are planned to illuminate the effect of any change in conditions. Through experiment all of the research will be concrete because is the best way when the role of quantitative method will be apply. It also can give an aid in order to authenticating of research, and it is natural event that face to face when doing a research. In this experiment will be designed in two groups, and especially namely quasi experimental design, and this is a variation of classical experimental design.  Where they are experiment group and the other group is comparator. In the first group will gets treatment, and the other is controller. After it will get measure again (post-test) and also will gets a result about effect that give to group experiment (treatment). This experiment also choose random group (two-group-post-test only design).
In this chapter, this research arranges the setting in SMA.N.1. Model Kabila, and this school located in Bone-bolango district especially in Kabila. In this school there are ten classes for class X; eight classes for class XI included three classes of sciences, four classes of social and one class of language. In class XII there are similar with class XI because it is about eight classes. This research focuses in class XI of science, and they are so many students in there. If we must accommodate all students include male and female, they are 97 students of science. Male are 46 and female 51. In this school, there are four laboratories of computer, and also two laboratories of language. Laboratories of language is much needed in process of the research because with tolls or instrumentation in the laboratories which support this research.
Population and sample
            Population is the group of people or items about which information is being collected, and it also all of data that to be our scope and time of research that we arrange. Population in this research is more focuses in senior high school, and especially for eleventh class in SMA.N.1.Model.kabila, and this research in class science. This research will be design in table of all students that will get experiment. Class science (XI.IA.1) has 32 students include 22 for woman and 10 for men; class science (XI.IA.2) has 31 students include 16 for woman and 14 for men. So they are will be designed in this research because the first group is an experiment group, and the second group is controller group.

R      O1      X      Y1      O2
      R      O3               Y2      O4
 R = random
      Y1 = Men
      Y2 = woman
      X  = perlakuan
Sample is a partly or representative of population for perusal by researcher.  Namely      sample if we have purpose to generalization output of sample research. Generalization means that to arise conclude of research as in population. This research will design in simple random sampling where in random sampling each unit of the population has the same chance as any other unit of being included in the sample.  In this sample is not needed strata that cost nothing to recheck because it simple sample, and there is no unsure of population that calculation for two or more again. Sample of research is students of class science especially in eleventh class.

Data collection
In this part will be discussed about the instrument and procedure of research.
Instrumentation of data collection is similar meaning with problem of evaluation. To evaluate is not different to collect data about something than standard or size that have been determined because to evaluate is to conduct measurement. The instrument will be in movie and video for preparation of the research. Movie is the first instrument will be designed in this research because it includes popular culture to teach English. The second is video, it also help a researches to arrange the research. Third is laboratory of language or multimedia. The reason is to help teaching English for this research. It is a test for student, to measure their ability in listening and also vocabulary.
      In this part, this research will do a procedure of the research or step to do it. First, it has preparation like instrument that will for doing research. Second, it will choose the population that will to apply the research. Laboratory of language, where it will use to arrange if this research will begin, movie and video are material that includes showing in laboratory of language. The observation will go on for 1 month in 2 meeting, and this test will be design in laboratory of language if the research will begin.

 Data analysis
     In this chapter, the writer will be designed analysis data of the research. In analysis data include three steps, and they are preparation, tabulation, and to apply data is appropriate with approach of research. This research will design SPSS. SPSS using in quantitative method because it will help to arrange and to gets all of information about the population, and also help researchers. In SPSS will be designed in table of students that needed.
Reliability is the consistency of measurement over time, whether it provides the same results on repeated trails. It is defined as a characteristic of an instrument that reflects the degree to which the instrument provokes consistent responses. Three characteristics of reliability are commonly evaluated: stability, internal consistency, and equivalence. In this research reliability is designed by SPSS.
The validity of the instrument used and validity of the research design as whole are important criteria in evaluating the worth of the results of the results conducted.
Internal validity refers to the likelihood that experimental manipulation indeed was responsible for the differences observed. According to Streiner and Norman (1996) validity in relation to research is a judgment regarding the degree to which the components of the research reflect the theory, concept, or variable under study.

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